10 Tips On Starting Your Own Acupuncture Private Practice

10 Tips On Starting Your Own Acupuncture Private Practice

This post is for those who are graduating, recently graduated or looking to branch out on their own. Dr. Emily Siy, DACM, L.Ac reached out to some of her colleagues to gather some sound advice from people who are successfully doing it and who can offer some advice that you might not find in your standard practice management classes.

FEATURED GUEST BLOG | Eradicating the O-Word

FEATURED GUEST BLOG | Eradicating the O-Word

FACT: “Oriental” Is A Racist Word. Rugs are not racist, but you might be upholding a system that is. Join us in banning the word “oriental” for acupuncture and herbal medicine due to its racist implications on the people it is used to label and because of its harmful implications on our society. Sign the petition if you’re an acupuncturist, a patient, someone who hates racism and injustice.

Lung Support for Smoky Times

Lung Support for Smoky Times

When the Lungs are dry, their energy does not descend to the other organs for lubrication. Instead, Lung energy goes into reverse flow, and we can experience symptoms like cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, hoarse voice, dry mouth and nose, fatigue, and even skin issues like acne. Here are some easy DIY tips for ways to support your Lungs and respiratory system during such hazardous conditions.

Nutrition Therapy That’s Inclusive: Body Mind & Belly

Nutrition Therapy That’s Inclusive: Body Mind & Belly

Diet culture can be damaging but understanding and building a healthy relationship with food can be life-changing! Carol’s nutrition practice is not just person-centered. It is a safe and welcoming space that comes with the understanding that relationships with food can be complex and all bodies deserve access to nutrition education that is healing for them.

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

Attunement is a commitment to showing up. Eyes open. We are being asked to see, to hear, to respond. We are being invited to attune to the collective anger and grief that is bubbling over today.

We are being asked to identify deeply and fully with something every single human heart can relate to and understand— murder is horrific, systemic violence is traumatic, being treated as less than is unjust and unfair.

I Ain't Afraid of No Ghost!

I Ain't Afraid of No Ghost!

In everyday life, we experience so many things that hold us back from freedom, joy, and unity. In real life, a “ghost” is a wandering spirit that is fixated on a past memory or a longing for a desired outcome in the imagined future. This ghost is the part of us that is unable to live within the present moment and haunts us through its unwillingness to let go.

Get Your Kale On

Get Your Kale On

In Chinese Medicine, nutrient dense vegetables are vital to aid in building blood which is a crucial part of our circulatory, reproductive and cognitive systems.  We need rich blood, one of the yin components in our body, to cool excess heat which can get out of control and cause everything from rapid digestion, to skin inflammation, to cancer cell development.