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We believe that East Asian Medicine is a powerful and effective tool for engendering personal growth and cultivating deep meaning in life.

Our Mission

Silver Lining Acupuncture is here to guide you through your personal healing journey by treating you as a whole person and tailoring your individualized treatment plan to your specific needs. We are dedicated to providing you with outstanding holistic health care that draws from classical acupuncture techniques, ancient Chinese cosmology, Five Element theory, fire cupping, Chinese herbal medicine, sound therapy and mind-body somatic therapies. Silver Lining Acupuncture further aims to support you as you discover the potential silver linings of your health challenges by transforming your experience of physical and emotional pain into an opportunity for deep spiritual healing.


Dr. Erica Robyn (preferred name Robyn) supports each patient’s unique journey with highly effective and deeply personalized collaborative healthcare, drawing from the arenas of Chinese cosmology, sound healing, and mind-body somatic counseling techniques to inform her clinical acupuncture practice. Together, Robyn and her patients explore the root causes of disease, navigating the many paths towards holistic health and healing.

Robyn’s unique style blends a classical East Asian medicine approach with Five Element acupuncture and sound healing. She weaves constitutional diagnosis, intuitive wisdom, and the cultivation of mindfulness into a comprehensive treatment experience designed to support the whole person. Her treatment style integrates acupuncture, fire cupping, and sound healing with Chinese herbal medicine and a mindfulness-based somatic approach to mental health and wellness.

Robyn considers physical, emotional, and spiritual healing to be an essential component in the cultivation of personal freedom. Her favorite work is in the arena of cultivating effective self-healing through illuminating the body’s innate wisdom to heal itself in unison with integrative holistic modalities tailored to each individual’s unique life experience. Supported by an academic background in integrative mental health and elevated by the life experiences of navigating the healing process around her own anxieties, traumas and addictions, she strives to empower her patients to trust their own intuition to guide them toward what their body, mind, and spirit truly want and need.

Robyn believes that acupuncture is the solution the health experts seek, as they scramble to reverse the opioid crisis and the many forms of chronic disease and discomfort associated with depersonalized capital-driven healthcare. She is passionate about the use of acupuncture and herbal medicine as an alternative to addictive pharmaceutical medications, empowering patients to make educated choices in their own healing process. The ideal patient for Robyn is anyone who seeks more comfort, ease, and joy in life through untying the knots of pain, distress, and imbalance that commonly arise within the modern lifestyle and as a result of physical or emotional trauma and chronic disease.